The following three equations guide Synaxon Expansion’s approach in the development of tools and assistance programs.

With these three equations, you’re invited to the heart of performance, where the desire isn’t so much to be the very best, no matter the cost, but rather to experience the POWER of connecting to unicity and excellence. Profitability is, therefore, a “by product” of this connection rather than the main objective. Comparisons are therefore impossible, and a project and company’s expansion are experienced through the collaboration of each person’s unicity. Success is defined by the presence of EFFICIENCY and HARMONY in all spheres of life.

Definition of EFFICIENCY: The ability to produce maximum results with minimum effort and resources.

The first element is CLARITY. Clarity is expressed through intra- and interpersonal relationships, business processes, and company procedures.

For example: Is there clarity on roles, tasks, and deadlines within the team? Is there clarity in communications? Is there clarity in the relationship with yourself? Is there clarity about the projects that inspire you, about what brings you joy daily? About the kind of entrepreneur you are? What makes you and your business unique? The same questions apply to employees, customers, and the people around you. The notion of clarity is both broad and precise.

The second part of the equation consists of FLUIDITY et de la SIMPLICITÉ. Are your current relationships with the team, clients, co-workers, friends, your family smooth? Is everything flowing? When things are clear and fluid, simplicity automatically follows..

Definition of HARMONY: having a productive and pleasant relationship with oneself and others.

The first element is OPENNESS. The openness to fully and objectively welcome and embrace what is, understand and feel the situation that presents itself to us, and “welcome and embrace” it in its entirety without making a positive or negative judgment.

When a situation or relationship requires greater harmony, and we feel thrown off balance, it’s also an opportunity for expansion and making different choices in the future. Nevertheless, welcoming and embracing it in its entirety also means appreciating the discomfort, the awareness it offers, and even celebrating it, as it will allow us to open up to something else. For example, in a conflictual situation, there’s a vast difference between “Accepting” and “Welcoming & Embracing,” which we experience through this first element of the harmony equation.

ACCEPT: resignation, to endure, to support

WELCOME & EMBRACE: to open up, to welcome, to embrace, to rejoice

The second part of the equation consists of AUTHENTICITY and COMPASSION. Beyond words, the majority of a message is communicated through tone, non-verbal and feeling. Consequently, anything can be shared when authenticity and compassion are present.

I love the definition of compassion as expressed by Sylvie Olivier of Golden Heart Wisdom since we often tend to confuse it with pity. Naturally, when we position ourselves as superior to another person, it only generates a sense of withdrawal rather than openness.

"Compassion is love in action. Compassion is so powerful when it is aligned with the heart and is free from all forms of judgment, such as pity, arrogance, or a sense of superiority, for example."

Definition of POWER: connecting to one’s highest potential and that of a situation with solidity and caring.

The first element is APPRECIATION. Whether in your professional or personal life, do you fully appreciate life, or do you have countless requirements before fully appreciating your experiences? These conditions and expectations create pressure and adrenaline that may yield results for a while, but at what cost? Very often sacrificing one of the other spheres of our lives, such as health, relationships, and money. The freer we are from “conditions” to enjoy life, the more vitality and fluidity we generate rather than draining and exhausting ourselves. There is a direct correlation between Power and our state of being.

The second part of the equation consists of COURAGE and COMMITMENT.

We’re talking about the courage to follow your inspirations and connect to your uniqueness by transcending your fears and discomforts. The courage to fully “BE” and connect to the guidance of the heart’s intelligence in all spheres of life. The EGO often wants us to believe that things are complicated or that they need to be, and we focus our attention on what we might lose.

According to scientific studies from the HearthMath Institute, the heart has its own brain of 40,000 neurons. But beyond being the engine that drives blood flow, it is the key to creativity, intuition, vitality, resilience, and professional and personal efficiency.

So when we start by committing ourselves to stay aligned and connected to the heart’s intelligence, it allows the highest opportunity for projects and relationships to unfold with power and fluidity. This reflects on the people around us and encourages their commitment as well.

With these three equations, you’re invited to the heart of performance, where the desire isn’t so much to be the very best, no matter the cost, but rather to experience the POWER of connecting to unicity and excellence. Profitability is, therefore, a “by-product” of this connection rather than the main objective. Comparisons are therefore impossible, and a project and company’s expansion are experienced through the collaboration of each person’s unicity. Success is defined by the presence of EFFICIENCY and HARMONY in all spheres of life.